
Selenium java client driver download
Selenium java client driver download

Unpack the contents in a convenient directory.

  • The downloaded file would be in zipped format.
  • You can also select other options to download based on the operating system you are currently working on.
  • Go to the Download Links section and click on "Windows 64-bit".
  • Scroll down through the webpage and click on "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers".
  • It will redirect you to the "Download Packages" section.
  • Click on the "Download Packages" link (you can also download the IDE directly from the "downloads page" of Eclipse official website, but we will recommend you to navigate through the download packages section and get "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers").
  • Refer the link given below to understand how we can set path and configure environment variables in Java. Once you have downloaded and installed the latest version of Java, you need to set path or configure the environment variables in your system. However, you can download the latest version of Java Development Kit (JDK) from the link given below. Note: you'll need to have Java 8 installed to use Selenium 3. We assume that you have already installed Java 8 or above on your machine and successfully configured the environment variables required to run and compile java programs.
  • Download Selenium WebDriver Java Client.
  • Download and configure Eclipse or any Java IDE of your choice.
  • Selenium java client driver download install#

    Download and Install Java 8 or higher version.Selenium WebDriver installation process is completed in four basic steps:

    selenium java client driver download

    Next → ← prev Selenium WebDriver- Installation

    Selenium java client driver download